Rounds module

Round is a task to visit several site locations within a certain period. Rounds are used, for example, in security patrols. Step-by-step instructions to set up patrolling are available in the Manage guarding rounds section. This reference section provides a list of the Round settings.

To manage rounds, go to the Define > Rounds page. You can fine-tune the table columns: to choose what user information is shown (for example, the site name or start time), click Settings at the top of the page.

To edit the settings of a particular round, go to the Define > Rounds > <Round name> page.


Round ID
The round identifier (generated automatically).
Round name
The name of the round.
Site name
The name of the round site (press space to choose from the list of sites).


External ID
The round ID for integration with other systems.
Round type
The type of round used for searching and filtering locations. To create a new type, click Edit.
Round group
The round group. Web users can be given rights to manage specific round groups, so that they can access only the group's data. To create a new group, click Edit.
Comment 1
Round comment for information purposes.
Comment 2
Round comment for information purposes.

The round icon to use in the Start round option on the phone (JPG or PNG file). The icon size depends on the phone model: 72x72 px suits for most Android phones but other phones may require a different size.


Unplanned round

If the round is optional. An unplanned round is available in the app and can be started by the app user any time within the specified time window (for example, any time during the day).

A planned round must be started and completed. When a planned round is due to start, it appears on the Realtime > Round status page in the "Pending" state. If the round is not completed, it is shown with the "Not started" or "Finished incomplete" state in the Round report.

Start date
The date when the round becomes available for completion in the app.
Start time between
The time when the round must be started. Applies to both planned and unplanned rounds.
Minimum duration
The minimum amount of time (in minutes) required to complete the round once it has been started. If the round is finished sooner, it is shown in the Round report with the "Too quick" status.
Maximum duration
The maximum amount of time (in minutes) required to complete the round once it has been started. If the round is finished later, it is shown in the Round report with the "Too slow" status.
Repeat policy
The round schedule. To make the round available on certain week days, choose Weekly and specify the days. To make the round available daily or just regularly, choose Daily and add the Interval to repeat the round every 2nd, 3rd or 4th day.

The days of the week the round can be started – for example, there may be different rounds for weekdays and weekends.

Show round status

Show information about the round locations in the app when the round is started. You might consider turning this option off if the guards know the site well enough so that they don't have to close the location information view each time they start the round.

Force order

Forces the guard to follow the exact order of locations as specified in the round configuration. Only the next location in the round will be accepted.

The mobile client always shows the next location on the main screen if this feature is enabled.

Pause/ resume

If the user can pause (and later resume) rounds in the app.

The time while on pause is not included in the round duration. The Realtime > Round status page shows that the round was paused, with the reason entered by the app user.

Auto finish

If the round is finished automatically at the finish time. Turn on this option for unplanned rounds.

Finish after

The number of days after the Start date when the round is no longer available in the app.

Timer closing round
Deprecated field.


Location ID

Tick the Locations that you wish to be part of this Round.

Location name
The name of the location.

Number the ticked locations starting from 1 or 0 in the order they should appear in the app. Skipped numbers in the sequence are ignored – you can set the order as 0,2,3,6.

The time in which the guard has to arrive at the location. If the requirement is not met, the location is considered to be missed and the guard should go to the following location directly. The guard can see the missed locations in the app round status view. They are also displayed in the Round report.
The time the guard must spend at the location. When the time is over, the app beeps, the guard can touch the tag and move to the next location.

A Location can have a Comments 1 field containing text that describes what the user should do at this location – it can be purely textual, or can be XML code with various options the user must fill in. Regardless of this, the Comment 1 field applies in all circumstances for that Location UNLESS it is over-ridden by this “Tasks” field, in which case this Round-level data takes precedence.

For example, if the Front Gate location should be visited morning and evening, in the morning the user must do one set of tasks (open the gate, etc…), and in the evening something different (close the gate, etc…). This can be achieved by setting separate Tasks for morning and evening rounds, even though the location is the same.

Is linked
If the location is activated with the NFC tag or GPS positioning.


Each round can have an associated alarm. When it is enabled, the employee that is responsible for executing the round will be notified before the round to make sure that they will do it at a pre-determined time. The round alarm is activated by checking the ‘Message Notification’ option in the Round Messages tab. The priority and sound type of the alarm can be specified.

Message notification
Send a notification to the app user when they have to start the round.

The notification priority:

High ― Popup dialog that must be read. The user must confirm reading with the OK button.

Medium ― Popup dialog the user can dismiss and read later.

Low ― A notice in the title bar about the unread message. Notification is dismissed automatically after reading.

Sound type

The options for the audible alert:

Standard ― Device beeps and vibrates three times

Silent ― There is no audio or vibration, only message on the screen.

Alarm ― Continuous beeping and vibrating until the message is read.