Reporting flow

The Reporting flow node adds a form that is filled in a series of dialog windows. As the user enters the value, the next window appears with a field to fill in. All node data are sent in one transaction as a form. This node is used, for example, in the Reslink TnA app: the user enters the PIN, then the photo camera opens automatically to take a photo of the user, and the report is sent to the Reslink server.

All nested nodes inside the Reporting flow node should have the Auto behavior.

Option Description
Disable back button behavior Disables the Back button and forces the user to interact with the node.
Disable scanning behavior

Disable the NFC tag scanning when the node is active.

Required data filling behavior Indicates if all fields in the node must be filled. Use this field for groups of radio buttons and checkboxes.
Form report Create a forms that can be further processed with form handlers. You can view the form settings in the Reslink web service, Forms module.
Data info Information for the user shown next to the node label.